from ..polygons.polygons import (
from ..building.modify import clean_building_geometry
from ..register import register_model_method
from ...model import City, Bounds
from ...model.object.building import Building
from ...model.object.object import GeometryType
from statistics import mean
import shapely
import dataclasses
from copy import deepcopy
from collections import defaultdict
from shapely.geometry import MultiPolygon, Polygon, JOIN_STYLE, CAP_STYLE
from ..logging import info, warning, error
def simplify_buildings(city: City, tolerance=0.1) -> City:
Simplify the footprint of buildings in a `City` object.
city (City): The `City` object to simplify the buildings of.
tolerance (float): The tolerance for simplification (default 0.1).
City: A new `City` object with the simplified buildings.
simplified_city = deepcopy(city)
simplified_city.buildings = []
for b in city.buildings:
b = dataclasses.replace(b)
b.footprint = simplify_polygon(b.footprint, tolerance)
return simplified_city
def remove_small_buildings(city: City, min_area=10) -> City:
Remove small buildings from a `City` object.
city (City): The `City` object to remove small buildings from.
min_area (float): The minimum area in square meters for a building to be kept (default 10).
City: A new `City` object with the small buildings removed.
filtered_city = deepcopy(city)
filtered_city.buildings = []
for b in city.buildings:
if b.footprint.area > min_area:
return filtered_city
def merge_buildings(
city: City,
) -> City:
Merge buildings that are close together.
max_distance : float, optional
The maximum distance in meters between buildings to consider them close enough to merge (default 0.15).
min_area : float, optional
The minimum area in square meters for a building to be kept (default 10).
simplify : bool, optional
Whether to simplify the merged buildings (default True).
properties_merge_strategy : str, optional
The strategy for merging properties. Options are 'list' and 'sample'. 'list' will create a list of all properties for the merged building. 'sample' will pick a property value from a random building (default "list").
height_merge_strategy : str, optional
The strategy for merging heights. Options are 'mean', 'area_weighted' and 'max' .
'mean' will take the mean height of the merged buildings.
'area_weighted' will take the area weighted mean height of the merged buildings.
'max' will take the maximum height of the merged buildings (default "mean").
A new `City` object with the merged buildings.
merged_city = deepcopy(city)
footprints = [b.footprint for b in city.buildings]
merged_polygons, merged_polygons_idx = polygon_merger(
footprints, max_distance, min_area=min_area
merged_city.buildings = []
for idx, merged_polygon in enumerate(merged_polygons):
merged_polygon = merged_polygon.simplify(1e-3, True)
merged_polygon = remove_slivers(merged_polygon, max_distance / 2)
if merged_polygon.area < min_area:
b = dataclasses.replace(city.buildings[merged_polygons_idx[idx][0]])
b.footprint = merged_polygon
if height_merge_strategy == "mean":
b.height = mean(
[city.buildings[i].height for i in merged_polygons_idx[idx]]
elif height_merge_strategy == "area_weighted":
b.height = sum(
city.buildings[i].height * city.buildings[i].footprint.area
for i in merged_polygons_idx[idx]
) / sum(
[city.buildings[i].footprint.area for i in merged_polygons_idx[idx]]
elif height_merge_strategy == "max":
b.height = max([city.buildings[i].height for i in merged_polygons_idx[idx]])
error(f"Unknown height merge strategy: {height_merge_strategy}")
b.ground_level = min(
[city.buildings[i].ground_level for i in merged_polygons_idx[idx]]
b.roofpoints = city.buildings[merged_polygons_idx[idx][0]].roofpoints
for i in merged_polygons_idx[idx][1:]:
property_dicts = [
city.buildings[i].properties for i in merged_polygons_idx[idx]
if properties_merge_strategy == "list":
merged_properties = defaultdict(list)
for p in property_dicts:
for k, v in p.items():
elif properties_merge_strategy == "sample":
merged_properties = {}
for p in property_dicts:
for k, v in p.items():
if v:
merged_properties[k] = v = dict(merged_properties)
return merged_city
def fix_building_clearance(
city: City, target_clearance: float, min_angle: float, accepted_tol_fraction=0.9
) -> City:
Fix the clearance of the footprints in the building models. After running
each building should have a minimum_clearance of `tol` meters and a minimum
angle between each edge of `min_angle` degrees.
fixed_city = city.copy()
footprints = [b.footprint for b in city.buildings]
for idx, f in enumerate(footprints):
fixed_fp = fix_clearance(f, target_clearance, accepted_tol_fraction)
fixed_city.buildings[idx].footprint = fixed_fp
fixed_city = fixed_city.merge_buildings(0, 0, height_merge_strategy="area_weighted")
return fixed_city
def clean_building_surfaces(city: City, lod: GeometryType, tol=1e-2) -> City:
for building in city.buildings:
building = clean_building_geometry(building, lod, tol)
return city
# @register_model_method
# def calculate_bounds(city: City, buffer: float = 0) -> City:
# """
# Calculate the bounds of a `City` object.
# Args:
# city (City): The `City` object to calculate the bounds of.
# buffer (float): The buffer to add to the bounds (default 0).
# Returns:
# City: A new `City` object with the bounds calculated.
# """
# footprints = [b.footprint for b in city.buildings]
# bounds = MultiPolygon(footprints).bounds
# city.bounds = Bounds(bounds[0], bounds[1], bounds[2], bounds[3])
# if buffer != 0:
# city.bounds.buffer(buffer)
# return city