Source code for dtcc_core.builder.geometry_builders.terrain

from ...model import (

from ..model_conversion import (

import numpy as np
from pypoints2grid import points2grid
from affine import Affine
from .. import _dtcc_builder
from typing import List, Union

[docs] def build_terrain_mesh( data: Union[PointCloud, Raster], subdomains: list[Surface] = None, subdomain_resolution: Union[float, List[float]] = None, max_mesh_size=10, min_mesh_angle=25, smoothing=3, ground_points_only=True, ) -> Mesh: if isinstance(data, PointCloud): dem = build_terrain_raster( data, cell_size=max_mesh_size / 2, ground_only=ground_points_only ) elif isinstance(data, Raster): dem = data else: raise ValueError("data must be a PointCloud or a Raster.") _builder_gridfield = raster_to_builder_gridfield(dem) if subdomains is None: subdomains = [] subdomain_resolution = None else: subdomains = [create_builder_polygon(sub.to_polygon()) for sub in subdomains] if subdomain_resolution is None: subdomain_resolution = [] elif isinstance(subdomain_resolution, (float, int)): subdomain_resolution = [subdomain_resolution] * len(subdomains) if ( len(subdomains) > 0 and len(subdomain_resolution) > 0 and len(subdomains) != len(subdomain_resolution) ): raise ValueError( "subdomains and subdomain_resolution must have the same length." ) subdomain_resolution = np.array(subdomain_resolution, dtype=np.float64) terrain_mesh = _dtcc_builder.build_terrain_mesh( subdomains, subdomain_resolution, _builder_gridfield, max_mesh_size, min_mesh_angle, smoothing, False, ) terrain_mesh = builder_mesh_to_mesh(terrain_mesh) terrain = Terrain() terrain.add_geometry(terrain_mesh, GeometryType.MESH) return terrain
[docs] def build_terrain_raster( pc: PointCloud, cell_size, bounds=None, window_size=3, radius=0, ground_only=True ) -> Raster: """ Rasterize a point cloud into a `Raster` object. Args: cell_size (float): The size of the raster cells in meters. bounds (Bounds): The bounds of the area to rasterize (default None, uses the bounds of the point cloud). window_size (int): The size of the window for the interpolation (default 3). radius (float): The radius of the search for the interpolation (default 0). ground_only (bool): Whether to only use ground points for the rasterization (default True). Returns: Raster: A `Raster` object representing the rasterized point cloud. """ if ( ground_only and (len(pc.classification) == len(pc.points)) and 2 in pc.used_classifications() ): ground_point_idx = np.where(np.isin(pc.classification, [2, 9]))[0] ground_points = pc.points[ground_point_idx] else: ground_points = pc.points if bounds is None: if pc.bounds is None or pc.bounds.area == 0: pc.calculate_bounds() bounds = pc.bounds dem = points2grid( ground_points, cell_size, bounds.tuple, window_size=window_size, radius=radius ) dem_raster = Raster() = dem dem_raster.nodata = 0 dem_raster.georef = Affine.translation(bounds.xmin, bounds.ymax) * Affine.scale( cell_size, -cell_size ) dem_raster = dem_raster.fill_holes() return dem_raster
[docs] def flat_terrain(height, bounds: Bounds) -> Terrain: """ Create a flat terrain. Args: height (float): The height of the terrain. bounds (Bounds): The bounds of the terrain. Returns: Terrain: A `Terrain` object representing the flat terrain. """ terrain = Terrain() raster = Raster() = np.ones((1, 1)) * height raster.nodata = -9999 raster.georef = Affine.translation(bounds.xmin, bounds.ymax) * Affine.scale( bounds.width, -bounds.height ) terrain.add_geometry(raster, GeometryType.RASTER) return terrain