Data Classes¶
The DTCC Data Model is implemented as Python dataclasses within the DTCC Python package. In addition, the model is implemented in Protobuf to facilitate data exchange over the web and across different programming languages.
Base class fo all city objects:
Class |
Description |
Object |
Base class for all city objects. |
Specific city object classes:
Class |
Description |
Building |
Represents a building in a city. |
BuildingPart |
Represents a component part of a building. |
City |
Top-level container representing a city model. |
CityObject |
Generic object for miscellaneous city elements. |
Landuse |
Represents land use classifications. |
RoadNetwork |
Represents a network of roads. |
Terrain |
Represents the terrain or ground in a city. |
Base class and utility classes:
Class |
Description |
Geometry |
Base class for all geometry representations. |
Bounds |
Represents spatial boundaries and dimensions. |
Transform |
Represents an affine transformation. |
Specific geometry classes:
Class |
Description |
Grid |
Structured 2D grid representation. |
LineString |
Represents a line defined by a sequence of points. |
Mesh |
Unstructured triangular mesh representation. |
MultiLineString |
Composite of multiple line strings. |
MultiSurface |
Composite of multiple surface geometries. |
PointCloud |
Collection of points in 3D space. |
Polygon |
Represents a polygon, potentially with holes. |
Surface |
Represents a planar surface in 3D. |
VolumeGrid |
Structured 3D grid (hexahedral) representation. |
VolumeMesh |
Unstructured tetrahedral mesh representation. |
Class |
Description |
Field |
Represents scalar or vector fields on geometries. |
Raster |
Represents grid-based raster data with georeference. |
For more detailed documentation, please refer to the generated API reference pages.