class Transform(dtcc_model.model.Model)[source]

Represents an affine transformation to a global coordinate system.

The affine transformation is represented by a 4x4 matrix, where the upper-left 3x3 submatrix represents the rotation and scaling, and the last column represents the translation. By applying the affine transformation to the coordinates of a point in the local coordinate system, one obtains the coordinates of the point in the global coordinate system specified by the spatial reference system (SRS).


Name of global coordinate system (Spatial Reference System).




4x4 affine transformation matrix.



Public members

srs : str = ''

Apply the affine transformation to a 3D point or an N x 3 array of points.

set_translation(dx, dy, dz)[source]

Set the translation part of the affine transform.


Sets the rotation part of the affine transform. :param rotation_matrix: a 3x3 numpy array representing the rotation.

to_proto() City[source]

Return a protobuf representation of the Transform.

from_proto(pb: Transform | bytes)[source]

Initialize Transform from a protobuf representation.

Transform(srs: str = '', affine: ~numpy.ndarray = <factory>)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Return repr(self).


Return self==value.

affine : ndarray
to_json() str

Return a JSON representation of the object.


Return a copy of the object.

classmethod add_methods(module, name=None)

Adds methods from a module or function to the class.

classmethod print_methods(verbose=False)

Print the methods that have been added to the class.