class Scene[source]

Scene which contains a collection of objects to be rendered.

This class is used to collect and pre-process data when rendering multiple objects at the same time.


List of Wrapper objects representing drawable geometry.




Bounding box for the entire collection of objects in the scene.




Maximum texture size (mts) allowed by the graphics card.



Public members


Initialize the Scene.

add_mesh(name: str, mesh: Mesh, data: Any | None = None)[source]

Add a mesh to the scene.

add_multisurface(name: str, ms: MultiSurface)[source]

Add a MultiSurface to the scene.

add_surface(name: str, srf: Surface)[source]

Add a surface to the scene.

add_city(name: str, city: City)[source]

Add a city to the scene.

add_object(name: str, obj: Object)[source]

Add an object to the scene.

add_pointcloud(name: str, pc: PointCloud, size: float = 0.2, ...)[source]

Add a point cloud to the scene.

add_linestring(name: str, ls: LineString, data: Any | None = None)[source]

Add a line string to the scene.

add_multilinestring(name: str, mls: MultiLineString, ...)[source]

Add a multi-line string to the scene.

add_building(name: str, building: Building)[source]

Add a building to the scene.

add_raster(name: str, raster: Raster)[source]

Add a raster to the scene.

add_geometries(name: str, geometries: list[Geometry])[source]

Add a collection of geometries to the scene.

add_bounds(name: str, bounds: Bounds)[source]

Add bounds to the scene.

add_grid(name: str, grid: Grid)[source]

Add a grid to the scene.

add_volume_grid(name: str, grid: VolumeGrid)[source]

Add a volume grid to the scene.

add_volume_mesh(name: str, volume_mesh: VolumeMesh)[source]

Add a volume mesh to the scene.

add_roadnetwork(name: str, road_network: Any)[source]

Add a road network to the scene.


Preprocess bounding box calculation for all scene objects.


Offset mesh parts IDs to enable clicking.

update_ids(mesh_wrp: MeshWrapper, next_id)[source]

Update IDs of a mesh wrapper’s parts.

has_geom(obj: Any, name: str)[source]

Trying to catch objects without geometry.

wrappers : list[Wrapper]
bb : BoundingBox
mts : int